I received a message via Facebook yesterday asking me to review a book and today, had it all confirmed after a couple of private messages back and forth which means, my blog is starting to take off and people are interested.Yay. I do put my reviews onto Goodreads and Amazon but this is MY platform, MY blog and I'm quite enjoying it so far.
After being blown about a windswept city, trying to keep from eating my hair and meeting a friend who incidentally would not have that problem due to him being bald (although he would say, at least my head is kept warm), we went off to a local D.I.Y store to check out all the beautiful kitchens that I can't have due to the fact that I rent my home. SIGH...... haha. I did buy a Z bed or what ever the generic name is for them these days.Just a single one, ready for when my niece comes to stay. Once home, I opened up the Z bed and popped the mattress in place and a big awake nightmare ensued of being folded up rather abruptly in the Z bed!! I had one of these as a child to sleep on regularly and yes, it folded up regularly, with me in it, half asleep much to everyone's delight and humour, but definitely not mine.I did lay on it to check it out and I was settled with the fact that they are much better made these days and fold the other way.Phew! I don't think my sister would be too impressed if I bought my niece back so bent up and resembling Flat Stanley (written by Jeff Brown). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Stanley
After deciding it was fine and thinking I really didn't need to pay for a delivery, I could have fitted this thing in my car at least five times over, I got comfy enough to finish the rest of what was, my current read From a Poison Pen by B.P. Smythe. It didn't take me long as it was so captivating. I virtually drank this book, it was such an easy read, a page turner with just the right size and style/format of text. Don't you find certain style or text format makes you turn the page quicker and read the pages faster? I do. Check out the review I wrote for this book.
I also wrote a review yesterday for The Surrogate (Brennan & Esposito #1) by Tania Carver which I also enjoyed but in a very different way.
I have another review to put together tomorrow and add to my blog too.
I just want to share how shocked and surprised I am that in less than two weeks,my blog view count at this time stands at 1160!! I am so chuffed and very happy by this. Thankyou to all that have had a little look and added to this number over the last 13 days. I hope to understand this blogging biz a bit more and make a better job of it. Be patient, I am completely self taught, trying to work it out as I'm going along. I have a couple more ideas that I will put in place soon enough. Keep coming back and I hope you keep enjoying my reviews.
Back to my next book........hmmmm.........ok, I've decided. It's going to be - The Taxidermists Daughter written by Kate Mosse and published by Orion Books.
Time to retire for a little read in bed. We will do it all again very soon.
Additional info - 29/03/16 I have renamed 'End of Day Thoughts' as I thought it a little plain and just lacked a bit of zing, besides, I am not writing something everyday.I have decided to name it THE BABBLE HINGE as I babble on and it is a hinge, connecting the pages together.Hope you like it too.