The Zebinoco Review Policy.

Let me start by saying I am committed to providing complete honesty in my reviews and that in no way does a free book affect my commitment to this honesty.
Remember that I am critiquing the book and not the author personally so if I give your book a not so good review, please no hate mail, after all, it could work the other way, if I love it, I will also let you know 😄.

It is recognised that books written are a huge extension of an author's soul, of course and I would so love to accept each and every book offered for review, believe me but there are only 24 hours in a day after all and I do actually have a full time job and a life that goes on around the books (although some people would argue that!)

With the last paragraph in mind, I do have to be strict on what I will accept to review and what I would prefer to leave on the shelf. These include erotica, bondage, or any other explicit materials (basically anything that could be classed as pornographic). I will not read women's fiction or what I call chic lit. It just bores the pants off me and that takes some doing as I just never experience boredom. These kind of things politely, just put me off my cup of Earl Grey.

If you have read this far and would still like me to review your hard work, blood, sweat and tears, read on.....

When you message me to request a review, please include:

  • Title and author of the book you would like me to review
  • A little back ground about what the book is about
  • An excerpt from your book, no longer than a chapter
  • Any links you think I might find useful i.e - your website etc
Things you can expect from me :
  • If I have agreed a deadline with you in advance of accepting the review, then I will stick to it and post the review here on my blog.

(I will add more here as time moves on).

You will need to provide me with a copy of your book to read for review. I am happy to accept an e-book but will not accept a PDF format.

Unless a deadline has been pre-arranged, I do not review books in order of receiving them. Books tend to shout to me when they are ready and want to be read and my choosing finger slides along the bookcases.What it, the book and my mood decides upon at that time is what will be read.Wrong time, wrong book, unhappy finger bodes for an unhappy reading experience and none of us want that. 

Finally, a rating scale. I rate very much like Goodreads.I do put my reviews on there and Amazon too so it makes life easier if the rating system is the same or very similar.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ = I'ts amazing.
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ = Really liked it.
✰ ✰ ✰ = Liked it.
✰ ✰ = It was ok.
= Didn't like it.

There are times when I put half stars in as well as I do not like feeling Inbetween the two and do feel that is a downfall of Goodreads and Amazon, not having half starts.

Thus endeth this ere policy.

M.Whitehead-Sperry 18/07/17

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