Well, here I am sat on the sofa with a tabby and white cat trying to clamber all over my chest, shoulders and face.Who knows how this post may turn out.Oh, hang on.............peace resumes.He has perched behind my head whilst slowly strangulating me with his tail around my neck.Quick, before he decides to move.
Firstly, it has been a wonderful day at work.Working with wonderful people really makes a difference. I'm proud and honoured to say that some of these people have become really lovely friends. I really don't know how they put up with my constant chatting, my fast gabble and excitable book talk but do you know what? they accept this with as much interest as they did a few hours ago, a few months ago or even a few years ago.
I have been working a while on this blog during the evening. I really haven't a clue what I am doing. I can write a review but putting together my own blog? eeeek! I'm just blagging my way through really and trying to learn as I go along. I believe I may just be making some headway now.
It was JUST going to be book reviews but I thought it was nice to put a little extra edge onto it by adding updates like this, ultimately leading back to books.Of course, it ALL leads back to books in the end, books AND cats, yes, books and cats. These two definitely think it is all about them and maybe a smidgen of books. Sharing me isn't what they signed up for.
I read every night when I go to bed, unless I am at that point when they think I'm just winking at them because I can only summon up the energy to lift one eyelid the barest, minuscule of a measure and that is used to empty the litter trays and get me safely up to the 'boudoir' at least in one whole piece.
I can, at 23:35hrs, hear the bed calling me up. I know that once there, I will pick up my book, The Surrogate by Tania Carver, who is of course Martyn Waites. I'm only about 100 pages in. Such a heavy few days at work. Still, we can't have everything, I guess.
That's me, saying goodnight. Catch you all again soon.
The Babble Hinge - 2. 20/03/2016 20:44
What kind of day has today been? a fair one, I think. After working a few hours overtime yesterday afternoon, today was MY day. My weekend to relax, read, play with the kitties, oh and do some housework I guess.
It started with Zebedee (the long haired one in charge) meowing at me at a ridiculous hour for a Sunday morning especially after I had had a late night. He is a cat of routine and woe betide I break that routine, no matter if it IS Sunday. He doesn't particularly care about a small element such as that and why should he, he is a cat. In his defence, he only transforms his furriness into a wailing alarm clock once I have stirred enough that it must be wake up time. It doesn't occur to him that even humans can roll over and go back to sleep too. In true human slave action, I, of course dragged myself down to the kitchen to feed him and his brother a delicious banquet of a well known tuna pouch cat food. Yum.
In between the relaxing and housework, I received a call from a colleague who wanted to deliver my birthday present (7th April, pop it in your diaries ;-D). My wonderful colleagues bought me a fabulous desk. Very excited by this and so very humbled that they would do that. Feeling somewhat spoilt. She gave me my orders that I wasn't to undo and put it together until the big day.
Housework finished, time to get comfy with my book -
The Surrogate by Tania Carver http://www.taniacarver.com/surrogate.php
I finished it! I really enjoyed it.What a brutal story.What goes through an authors mind to think of these things? I'd love to know. A review will follow in the next few days, so look out for that.
I have chosen my next read. This author B.P.Smythe found me on Twitter and asked me to review his ebook, (I don't read books on a screen). However, he didn't forget and once he had a few in print, he remembered to send me one.
Published by Bloodhound Books.
You can read about this author on their site, here -http://www.bloodhoundbooks.com/bp-smythe/ and follow him and his works here - https://twitter.com/BPSmythe
Looking forward to this read. It is a good size book. The synopsis is intriguing, that's for sure.
The Babble Hinge - 3. 26/03/2016 23:52
I received a message via Facebook yesterday asking me to review a book and today, had it all confirmed after a couple of private messages back and forth which means, my blog is starting to take off and people are interested.Yay. I do put my reviews onto Goodreads and Amazon but this is MY platform, MY blog and I'm quite enjoying it so far.After being blown about a windswept city, trying to keep from eating my hair and meeting a friend who incidentally would not have that problem due to him being bald (although he would say, at least my head is kept warm), we went off to a local D.I.Y store to check out all the beautiful kitchens that I can't have due to the fact that I rent my home. SIGH...... haha. I did buy a Z bed or what ever the generic name is for them these days.Just a single one, ready for when my niece comes to stay. Once home, I opened up the Z bed and popped the mattress in place and a big awake nightmare ensued of being folded up rather abruptly in the Z bed!! I had one of these as a child to sleep on regularly and yes, it folded up regularly, with me in it, half asleep much to everyone's delight and humour, but definitely not mine.I did lay on it to check it out and I was settled with the fact that they are much better made these days and fold the other way.Phew! I don't think my sister would be too impressed if I bought my niece back so bent up and resembling Flat Stanley (written by Jeff Brown). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Stanley
After deciding it was fine and thinking I really didn't need to pay for a delivery, I could have fitted this thing in my car at least five times over, I got comfy enough to finish the rest of what was, my current read From a Poison Pen by B.P. Smythe. It didn't take me long as it was so captivating. I virtually drank this book, it was such an easy read, a page turner with just the right size and style/format of text. Don't you find certain style or text format makes you turn the page quicker and read the pages faster? I do. Check out the review I wrote for this book.
I also wrote a review yesterday for The Surrogate (Brennan & Esposito #1) by Tania Carver which I also enjoyed but in a very different way.
I have another review to put together tomorrow and add to my blog too.
I just want to share how shocked and surprised I am that in less than two weeks,my blog view count at this time stands at 1160!! I am so chuffed and very happy by this. Thankyou to all that have had a little look and added to this number over the last 13 days. I hope to understand this blogging biz a bit more and make a better job of it. Be patient, I am completely self taught, trying to work it out as I'm going along. I have a couple more ideas that I will put in place soon enough. Keep coming back and I hope you keep enjoying my reviews.
Back to my next book........hmmmm.........ok, I've decided. It's going to be - The Taxidermists Daughter written by Kate Mosse and published by Orion Books.
Time to retire for a little read in bed. We will do it all again very soon.
Additional info - 29/03/16 I have renamed 'End of Day Thoughts' as I thought it a little plain and just lacked a bit of zing, besides, I am not writing something everyday.I have decided to name it THE BABBLE HINGE as I babble on and it is a hinge, connecting the pages together.Hope you like it too.
The Babble Hinge - 4. 03/04/2016 23:58
Good Evening.What an amazing start to my leave week. The weekend has gone so quick and I am shattered. I collected my niece Saturday morning and we went to Bewilderwood for the day and the sun came out for us and made it a great day for climbing and sliding and tunneling. Yes, this almost 40 year old did it all too but I did stop at taking part travelling along a zip wire! Yeah right, what a funny old sight that would have been. This is a link to Bewilderwood. If you're close and have little ones, and older ones, my niece is 12 then go and enjoy it and believe me, you will enjoy it as much as them. I do think that any older than her age and they are not really going to be that interested but you never know. Anyway, I'm getting carried away here.Here's the link - http://www.bewilderwood.co.uk/
Such a magical imaginative place.
The journey there wasn't so pleasant. I have experienced my first road kill. A very jolly pheasant came toddling across the road at great speed, looking very happy with himself out there in the sun, straight for my front wheels. At almost 60mph, I knew I was going to hit it with a row of cars behind me and cars going the other way, there was no way I was going to avoid this beautiful happy bird without causing an accident. So, there we have it, bump. I had to try and explain to a 12 year old girl that although awful, there would or could have been worse on the road if I had tried to avoid it.
She sat in the back for each journey after that but just said, "I wish I hadn't seen that" and just carried on. She soon got over it as she then proceeded to tease me about the whole episode wondering if they had pheasant plush toys in the gift shop! Cheeky little so and so. Oh and on the way back, guess what? yes, another pheasant came across the road.It was in front of me trying (bless it) to dash through the traffic on the other side, but just as I came along, it gave up and stayed on my side of the road. With no one behind me, I could slow as it made it's way to the bank....to safety. I think this meant I was forgiven by my niece :-).
Arriving at my sisters 16 miles away just after lunch to a box of 6 lovely homemade cupcakes for me to take away for my birthday. A little cheeky cupcake once home. It was so very scrummy. Lemon flavour with hundreds and thousands and a chocolate bunny on top. My sister informed me that I could freeze some. haha, freeze? FREEZE? that's assuming they will last THAT long.
Book news. I am almost through The Taxidermists Daughter written by Kate Mosse and published by Orion Books. I am really enjoying it. I love the style of writing. Keep and eye out for the review because being off work for a bit means lots of fabulous reading.
Yesterday I received the book that I was asked to review, I believe as a result of this blog, so this could be my first blog customer!
AEROADDICT by DOUG GREGORY D.F.C (Little Knoll Press).
I will be starting this book after I have finished my current read. I love history and for those that know me, military planes are a huge love of mine.
So to next time or my next review. Time to catch up on some sleep and a cheeky read.
The Babble Hinge - 5. 17/04/2016 19:23
Well, here we are again and what a couple of weeks it has been!I had my birthday week off work and filled it with fun. However, I did think I really needed another week off work to recuperate. Yeah right ;-)
I thought I would have time to do lots of reading, but oh no, it wasn't to be. By the time I was able to pick up a book, I was so exhausted, I fell asleep.
Last time I blogged a hinge, I told you about the start of the week where I had taken my niece to Bewilderwood (link is on that page). By the end of that week, my lovely colleagues had surprised me with a fabulous Mad Hatters Tea Party. I had been looking into having one of these but decided the official ones were just too expensive to ask friends to pay for, for a few fancy sandwiches and cakes.
Bless them, they only went and hired out a nearby village hall and put it all on themselves.Oh my, what a treat it was. I love Alice in Wonderland.One of my favourite stories.I love it's magic and it's quirkiness and as a child thoroughly enjoyed the film and the warmth I felt from it. I received many Alice in Wonderland/Mad Hatter Tea Party gifts including this fabulous tea pot -
Oh I do love a good cuppa.
So, back to the party, well, it was magical.Knitted mice coming out of teapots -
My friends dressed up and when I arrived, I was quickly donned with a rabbit nose, a tail, a hat and a clock to go around my neck -
Not a very flattering photo but you get the idea (blushes).
Cutting cake -
Safe to say, I felt like a queen, but not THE Queen - The Queen of Hearts, that is. :-)
"Have I gone mad?"
"I'm afraid so, you're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret....
All the best people are."
- Alice's Adventures In Wonderland -
I have finished and reviewed AEROADDICT - The story of one man's lifelong love affair with aeroplanes by Doug Gregory. You will find this in this blog if you look hard enough ;-) Lovely book.
I still have The Taxidermists Daughter by Kate Mosse to review but in the meantime I am having a quick easy read of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(Harry Potter #3)
as believe it or not, I haven't read further than book two!!
I have been contacted by an author via my blog to review a book called Cruel Reality Games of Life and Death. The author tells me it is a bit like a modern day Hunger Games. This grabbed my attention.
The authors name is C.J Whitley. This is the blurb for the book -
Taken by masked men in the night, a host of British people find themselves at the mercy of unknown abductors. They cannot guess where they are going, or why they are going there. When they find an arsenal of medieval weapons in their new prison, horrific possibilities are imagined. When cruel reality of their fate is revealed to them, they must learn a new way of life.
Fight or die. There is nowhere to run.
Fight or die. There is nowhere to run.
After good old Harry Potter, this will be my next read and what a chunk it is too!
I will report back to you on this and many other babbley things.
So many pictures on this hinge.
Good evening all and so to our next post.
I left the house at 9am to make the approx 3hr drive to the other side of Lincoln and for those that don't know, Lincoln in the UK is round in the next smaller hump up on the map to me. The darker green area shows Norfolk and Lincolnshire.
It was only my 4th/5th time driving there and for those that know, driving on the A17 can be a bit of a deathwish in itself although, I don't see it as that bad if I'm honest. 50mph was pushing a bit as a max speed due to being stuck behind bank holiday caravans. It resembled a convoy backing down the road until hooray, we lost the caravan only to find that within seconds two more had joined the convoy.......in front! This was certainly going to take some time. Oh how I wished I could trundle along and read my book at the same time. If only. Two problems with that, the book was at home and I may just end up in the purple Citreon Picasso's back end that I was becoming all too familiar with from the A47 onwards.
Onto the A15 with afore said caravans dearly departed, and a little before seeing R.A.F Waddington on the left in a sign, a small low down sign saying RAMP, like so -
remembering this road allows you to drive down it at 60mph so one of these at the side of the road in the grass very close to THE ramp doesn't really do much for your 11 yr old cars suspension or the 11 yr old wheels and if I'm truthful, my 40 yr old body in general. You may giggle, but by jove, this was no RAMP, this was a STEP!!
I was going to show you some lovely photo's of yesterdays trip into Lincoln with my dad but I will have to show you some from the internet stock instead as I'd still like you to see what a wonderful historic city is is and hopefully you can enjoy it as much as I always do. I completely forgot to take some for you yesterday. I have loads on my external hard drive but do not have it to hand. I will endeavour to show you ones which correspond with where we went.
Here is a view of part of Lincoln castle from the medieval wall walk which is mainly what we went for -
Photo taken from Trip Advisor.
If you ever get the chance to go, go.The castle and the cathedral are wonderful. We didn't go into the cathedral yesterday but here it is for you to see and is directly across from the castle.
This is almost as I would have seen it yesterday from the medieval wall walk.Photo taken from BBC Lincolnshire site. A little history on the beautiful Lincoln cathedral.
Afterwards we went for a strutt down Steep hill.Steep hill is littered with tiny old shops down each side.Very quaint.
Steep Hill midway point. Click link to see where it is cited from.
Lets bring it back to books. On the way down on the right is this wonderful building called Jews Court/Jews House and that door right next to the window made me feel like Alice in Wonderland as it is much smaller than I am. This is a second hand bookshop but I didn't go in it as we were then going off for lunch.
On the way back home to Norfolk there were waves lapping (slight exaggeration) up the left side of my car. I have become a mega, blinded, spray pro driver. The journey home made more pleasurable with 6 mins, 45 seconds of the full version of Guns and Roses, Paradise City blasting out courtesy of Radio one, and yes, I did sing and wiggle my head. :-).
I am going to leave you with photo's of a treasured book box set that I received recently for my birthday. They are so beautiful.
I love Sherlock Holmes and wanted a really lovely set to keep and treasure. They are a little smaller than average books and are sold by The Collectors Library, although mine came via Amazon. Book lovers will understand the joy I felt upon hearing the book sounds, the feel of the pages and the smell of the ink. Wonderful book times ahead with these. Other books from The Collectors Library may end up on my bookcases in due time ;-).
Oooooo, one more thing. I spotted this on my local library window -
A trip to the library may be in order. How exciting is this. :-D
For those that subscribe to my blog via emails, apologies if you have received a few with older reviews on them. I sent some back out via Google+ as they are good books but are so far back, I didn't want them to be forgotten as they deserve reading time by others.
It is book o'clock, so I will waffle at you again another time very soon.
The Babble Hinge - 7. 23/05/2016 19:38
Ok, ok, so it has been a little while since I added a review (apart from a couple of old ones, I transferred over from Goodreads).
I have had a fair bit of overtime at work lately and well, basically life happened and got in the way.
I have a couple of reviews to put up on here and promise you they will be going up by the end of the week.
I have had a crazy prescription day today. Boots (chemist) keep messing up my script.I am on a couple of pain meds. The first, I get more than enough of and the second,well, that's another story. The script is, 1-2 4 times daily.I get a box of 100.Boots order this for me ONCE a month.Now, my maths is dire but even I know that if I am taking my max dose, then a box of 100 just isn't going to make it through the month so, I place an order with my Drs manually for that and my cholesterol pills.Oh my word, all this pillage, sounds like I am a right druggie.I would rather not be on any of it but I do know it is only temporary. Back to the story.The order was put in on Thursday,which was 4 days ago explaining that Boots keep messing the script order up and this was an extra order as well as their monthly one. Now, I understand why people get so annoyed talking to answer phones as all this is done via a prescription voicemail system. Today, I rang Boots who confirmed they had got my cholesterol med script all ready to go and yes, I could collect after work.Fantastic, what about my pain relief. "What about it" you ask. Oh no, it hasn't been put on. I rang the G.p next and spoke to a receptionist who says, yes it has been written but to be sent over to Boots for the 26th. Argh!! "But, I have had no pain meds over the weekend and left my repeat med req on Thursday". She says but you have them once a month and Boots have requested it for 26th."Look", I said "with all the will in the world and my maths isn't great, you can not make a box of 100 last a month at a dosage of 1-2 4 times a day, it just doesn't equate". The receptionist seemed to understand and said she would just speak to the Dr................5 minutes later, she returned to the phone. "The doctor says they will scrap that script and get you another done, it will be ready tomorrow". "Tomorrow?!? but I called it in on Thursday, giving over the required 48 hrs notice and I have work and have been without meds all weekend". She giggles, I think what is so darn funny.You don't have my pain obviously.Yes, it only takes off an edge but that edge enables me to sleep a little and to work better a little more which is huge to me.Here we go again.I decide to pop into Boots after work and get my cholesterol meds and some shop strength co-codamol. I waited ten minutes for someone to take note that I was there and then they couldn't find the meds.They looked high and low and then apologised to me.The pharmacist apologised saying I had been given incorrect information and even that med wasn't ready for me either and that they would text me once it was in and ready........really ready.
Off home I went almost empty handed.I went somewhere else for the co-codamol and they didn't have any but did have their own capsule mix which I thought, that will do and took it.
Oh dear.What a palarva! I love that word - palarva.
Talking about words, I was having a conversation with some others about lovely sounding words on The Bookshop Cafe (a group on Facebook for book lovers of all kinds).We liked agog, I love place names such as Mesopotamia and Constantinople and I also like Pumpernickel. We also came up with these beauties to name just a few - flibbertigibbet. rambunctious, widdershins, bunting, doily and cockwomble. Ohhhhh, should I have said that word on here? hehe (feels naughty now). I shall leave you with that one.What words do you like the sounds of?
Will be back soon to review and babble some more.
The Babble Hinge - 8.
BOO!! I am back! Over a year away and over the last couple of weeks I have slowly crept back in. Did you notice? No prize if you did but hey, well done. oh and welcome back faithful Zebinoco readers.
What to tell you.....ok, so I had to take a break as the pain in my wrist and hand was getting just a little too much but over the last few months a wonderful Doctor at the pain management team has been my godsend. Did I mean to give him a capital D, oh yes, I sure did.It's as close as I can get to naming him on here- The Doctooooor.haha.Yes, ok, more meds but he never treated me like a leper.He believed me.He could see there was something that wasn't right and finally the right meds have and are working.I am hoping to stay on them for a good year or two and hopefully reroute my pain pathway and then slowly come off them all.I hate taking so many.I feel like a crumbly 90 year old living in a medicine cabinet.Still, if it is what is needed right now, then so be it. What we do know is that it is definitely neuropathic pain.
BUT (da,da,da,daaaa), it doesn't end there, oh no.I am not meant to have a break.😄
I have been off work with an acute case of Achilles Tendinopathy/Tendonitis with also a possible Haglunds deformity lump on the calcaneous bone where the tendon joins. I am off for an ultrasound to prove this in a few days.Physio is helping the Achilles and I am able to walk down stairs normally now and without hobbling thanks to my fabulous orthotics but this weekend has been so so sore.I have to wear the orthotics in full shoes, but the best thing for haglunds is open cloggs.aarrrghhh! A viscious circle, so whilst I am helping my tight achilles tendon, I am making my Haglunds very sore. I have ordered some Haglunds support gel padding.
Warning: Feet Photo's - Just because, it's my blog. hahahaha 😇
As you can see, this was at one of the points at the beginning. There were times I couldn't even put my shoe on.It doesn't swell like this now or get inflamed, although I know it still does inside as my nerves buzz somewhat.
Lets talk about more jollier stuff now.I met a friend and colleague for, what shall we call it.....elevenses (ooooo posho) yesterday. 11:15 at a cute little place called The Bicycle Shop in the city where I live (Norwich). I am a little out of blog practice I didn't take any photo's to put up so lets scout the net.....Such a quaint cute place.I recommend booking a table though as it is very small.
It used to be a bicycle shop many years ago, funny that.
I had a wonderful eggs benedict with a latte. oh my, it was so nice.The decor was so delightful with yes, you got it, old scattered books along the wall edge and bird cages in the huge plants in the cafe, no, not real ones with real birds.All pretend with pretend birds in the plants. They accept dogs in too which I thought lovely and I know some would disagree but I'd rather sit next to many dogs than many humans I've met! Most are a lot cleaner to be honest.They had a little bowl of dog biscuits by the till.Cute. What a lovely, lovely place.The staff were very pleasant and it was a very relaxed atmosphere too. I'd definitely go again.
In Chapelfield Gardens there was an Alice in Wonderland fun day for the RSPCA.It had been really hyped up all year but upon a slow walk over, I felt slightly disappointed if I'm honest.Yes, I was aware it was mainly going to be aimed at children but thought there was going to be many characters and such like.There was a few games and some food and craft stalls.The weather hadn't been great so maybe that had affected it and it was a charity event so money would have been tight but it did take almost the way around before we saw anything remotely Alice in Wonderland AND I donned my Alice tee shirt for the occasion too! I love Alice in Wonderland as many of you will remember from my 40th Mad Hatter tea party.
Photo from Norwich in Wonderland Event's post in Alice in Wonderland Family Fun Day.
People who went reported to have a fun time and the children loved it.There was lots of nice food about and I hope they made lots of money for the RSPCA.
Well, that's all for now or I'll run out of paper and you know how big I write.Catch you next time readers.
The Babble Hinge - 6. 03/05/2016 11:03
Here I am, at 09:30 hours, sat at my desk attaching another hinge with a Latte beside me and two furry moggies either side of me also. I am sporting the rather tired eyes and hair look after a busy day yesterday. Yesterday, what happened yesterday? I'll start there and work backwards, just because, I can :-)I left the house at 9am to make the approx 3hr drive to the other side of Lincoln and for those that don't know, Lincoln in the UK is round in the next smaller hump up on the map to me. The darker green area shows Norfolk and Lincolnshire.
It was only my 4th/5th time driving there and for those that know, driving on the A17 can be a bit of a deathwish in itself although, I don't see it as that bad if I'm honest. 50mph was pushing a bit as a max speed due to being stuck behind bank holiday caravans. It resembled a convoy backing down the road until hooray, we lost the caravan only to find that within seconds two more had joined the convoy.......in front! This was certainly going to take some time. Oh how I wished I could trundle along and read my book at the same time. If only. Two problems with that, the book was at home and I may just end up in the purple Citreon Picasso's back end that I was becoming all too familiar with from the A47 onwards.
Onto the A15 with afore said caravans dearly departed, and a little before seeing R.A.F Waddington on the left in a sign, a small low down sign saying RAMP, like so -
remembering this road allows you to drive down it at 60mph so one of these at the side of the road in the grass very close to THE ramp doesn't really do much for your 11 yr old cars suspension or the 11 yr old wheels and if I'm truthful, my 40 yr old body in general. You may giggle, but by jove, this was no RAMP, this was a STEP!!
I was going to show you some lovely photo's of yesterdays trip into Lincoln with my dad but I will have to show you some from the internet stock instead as I'd still like you to see what a wonderful historic city is is and hopefully you can enjoy it as much as I always do. I completely forgot to take some for you yesterday. I have loads on my external hard drive but do not have it to hand. I will endeavour to show you ones which correspond with where we went.
Here is a view of part of Lincoln castle from the medieval wall walk which is mainly what we went for -
Photo taken from Trip Advisor.
If you ever get the chance to go, go.The castle and the cathedral are wonderful. We didn't go into the cathedral yesterday but here it is for you to see and is directly across from the castle.
This is almost as I would have seen it yesterday from the medieval wall walk.Photo taken from BBC Lincolnshire site. A little history on the beautiful Lincoln cathedral.
Afterwards we went for a strutt down Steep hill.Steep hill is littered with tiny old shops down each side.Very quaint.
Steep Hill midway point. Click link to see where it is cited from.
Lets bring it back to books. On the way down on the right is this wonderful building called Jews Court/Jews House and that door right next to the window made me feel like Alice in Wonderland as it is much smaller than I am. This is a second hand bookshop but I didn't go in it as we were then going off for lunch.
On the way back home to Norfolk there were waves lapping (slight exaggeration) up the left side of my car. I have become a mega, blinded, spray pro driver. The journey home made more pleasurable with 6 mins, 45 seconds of the full version of Guns and Roses, Paradise City blasting out courtesy of Radio one, and yes, I did sing and wiggle my head. :-).
I am going to leave you with photo's of a treasured book box set that I received recently for my birthday. They are so beautiful.
I love Sherlock Holmes and wanted a really lovely set to keep and treasure. They are a little smaller than average books and are sold by The Collectors Library, although mine came via Amazon. Book lovers will understand the joy I felt upon hearing the book sounds, the feel of the pages and the smell of the ink. Wonderful book times ahead with these. Other books from The Collectors Library may end up on my bookcases in due time ;-).
Oooooo, one more thing. I spotted this on my local library window -
A trip to the library may be in order. How exciting is this. :-D
For those that subscribe to my blog via emails, apologies if you have received a few with older reviews on them. I sent some back out via Google+ as they are good books but are so far back, I didn't want them to be forgotten as they deserve reading time by others.
It is book o'clock, so I will waffle at you again another time very soon.
The Babble Hinge - 7. 23/05/2016 19:38
Ok, ok, so it has been a little while since I added a review (apart from a couple of old ones, I transferred over from Goodreads).
I have had a fair bit of overtime at work lately and well, basically life happened and got in the way.
I have a couple of reviews to put up on here and promise you they will be going up by the end of the week.
I have had a crazy prescription day today. Boots (chemist) keep messing up my script.I am on a couple of pain meds. The first, I get more than enough of and the second,well, that's another story. The script is, 1-2 4 times daily.I get a box of 100.Boots order this for me ONCE a month.Now, my maths is dire but even I know that if I am taking my max dose, then a box of 100 just isn't going to make it through the month so, I place an order with my Drs manually for that and my cholesterol pills.Oh my word, all this pillage, sounds like I am a right druggie.I would rather not be on any of it but I do know it is only temporary. Back to the story.The order was put in on Thursday,which was 4 days ago explaining that Boots keep messing the script order up and this was an extra order as well as their monthly one. Now, I understand why people get so annoyed talking to answer phones as all this is done via a prescription voicemail system. Today, I rang Boots who confirmed they had got my cholesterol med script all ready to go and yes, I could collect after work.Fantastic, what about my pain relief. "What about it" you ask. Oh no, it hasn't been put on. I rang the G.p next and spoke to a receptionist who says, yes it has been written but to be sent over to Boots for the 26th. Argh!! "But, I have had no pain meds over the weekend and left my repeat med req on Thursday". She says but you have them once a month and Boots have requested it for 26th."Look", I said "with all the will in the world and my maths isn't great, you can not make a box of 100 last a month at a dosage of 1-2 4 times a day, it just doesn't equate". The receptionist seemed to understand and said she would just speak to the Dr................5 minutes later, she returned to the phone. "The doctor says they will scrap that script and get you another done, it will be ready tomorrow". "Tomorrow?!? but I called it in on Thursday, giving over the required 48 hrs notice and I have work and have been without meds all weekend". She giggles, I think what is so darn funny.You don't have my pain obviously.Yes, it only takes off an edge but that edge enables me to sleep a little and to work better a little more which is huge to me.Here we go again.I decide to pop into Boots after work and get my cholesterol meds and some shop strength co-codamol. I waited ten minutes for someone to take note that I was there and then they couldn't find the meds.They looked high and low and then apologised to me.The pharmacist apologised saying I had been given incorrect information and even that med wasn't ready for me either and that they would text me once it was in and ready........really ready.
Off home I went almost empty handed.I went somewhere else for the co-codamol and they didn't have any but did have their own capsule mix which I thought, that will do and took it.
Oh dear.What a palarva! I love that word - palarva.
Talking about words, I was having a conversation with some others about lovely sounding words on The Bookshop Cafe (a group on Facebook for book lovers of all kinds).We liked agog, I love place names such as Mesopotamia and Constantinople and I also like Pumpernickel. We also came up with these beauties to name just a few - flibbertigibbet. rambunctious, widdershins, bunting, doily and cockwomble. Ohhhhh, should I have said that word on here? hehe (feels naughty now). I shall leave you with that one.What words do you like the sounds of?
Will be back soon to review and babble some more.
Sunday, 23 July 2017
The Babble Hinge - 8.
BOO!! I am back! Over a year away and over the last couple of weeks I have slowly crept back in. Did you notice? No prize if you did but hey, well done. oh and welcome back faithful Zebinoco readers.
What to tell you.....ok, so I had to take a break as the pain in my wrist and hand was getting just a little too much but over the last few months a wonderful Doctor at the pain management team has been my godsend. Did I mean to give him a capital D, oh yes, I sure did.It's as close as I can get to naming him on here- The Doctooooor.haha.Yes, ok, more meds but he never treated me like a leper.He believed me.He could see there was something that wasn't right and finally the right meds have and are working.I am hoping to stay on them for a good year or two and hopefully reroute my pain pathway and then slowly come off them all.I hate taking so many.I feel like a crumbly 90 year old living in a medicine cabinet.Still, if it is what is needed right now, then so be it. What we do know is that it is definitely neuropathic pain.
BUT (da,da,da,daaaa), it doesn't end there, oh no.I am not meant to have a break.😄
I have been off work with an acute case of Achilles Tendinopathy/Tendonitis with also a possible Haglunds deformity lump on the calcaneous bone where the tendon joins. I am off for an ultrasound to prove this in a few days.Physio is helping the Achilles and I am able to walk down stairs normally now and without hobbling thanks to my fabulous orthotics but this weekend has been so so sore.I have to wear the orthotics in full shoes, but the best thing for haglunds is open cloggs.aarrrghhh! A viscious circle, so whilst I am helping my tight achilles tendon, I am making my Haglunds very sore. I have ordered some Haglunds support gel padding.
Warning: Feet Photo's - Just because, it's my blog. hahahaha 😇
As you can see, this was at one of the points at the beginning. There were times I couldn't even put my shoe on.It doesn't swell like this now or get inflamed, although I know it still does inside as my nerves buzz somewhat.
Lets talk about more jollier stuff now.I met a friend and colleague for, what shall we call it.....elevenses (ooooo posho) yesterday. 11:15 at a cute little place called The Bicycle Shop in the city where I live (Norwich). I am a little out of blog practice I didn't take any photo's to put up so lets scout the net.....Such a quaint cute place.I recommend booking a table though as it is very small.
It used to be a bicycle shop many years ago, funny that.
I had a wonderful eggs benedict with a latte. oh my, it was so nice.The decor was so delightful with yes, you got it, old scattered books along the wall edge and bird cages in the huge plants in the cafe, no, not real ones with real birds.All pretend with pretend birds in the plants. They accept dogs in too which I thought lovely and I know some would disagree but I'd rather sit next to many dogs than many humans I've met! Most are a lot cleaner to be honest.They had a little bowl of dog biscuits by the till.Cute. What a lovely, lovely place.The staff were very pleasant and it was a very relaxed atmosphere too. I'd definitely go again.
In Chapelfield Gardens there was an Alice in Wonderland fun day for the RSPCA.It had been really hyped up all year but upon a slow walk over, I felt slightly disappointed if I'm honest.Yes, I was aware it was mainly going to be aimed at children but thought there was going to be many characters and such like.There was a few games and some food and craft stalls.The weather hadn't been great so maybe that had affected it and it was a charity event so money would have been tight but it did take almost the way around before we saw anything remotely Alice in Wonderland AND I donned my Alice tee shirt for the occasion too! I love Alice in Wonderland as many of you will remember from my 40th Mad Hatter tea party.
Photo from Norwich in Wonderland Event's post in Alice in Wonderland Family Fun Day.
People who went reported to have a fun time and the children loved it.There was lots of nice food about and I hope they made lots of money for the RSPCA.
Well, that's all for now or I'll run out of paper and you know how big I write.Catch you next time readers.
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