Sunday 3 April 2016

The Babble Hinge - 4.

Good Evening.

What an amazing start to my leave week. The weekend has gone so quick and I am shattered. I collected my niece Saturday morning and we went to Bewilderwood for the day and the sun came out for us and made it a great day for climbing and sliding and tunneling. Yes, this almost 40 year old did it all too but I did stop at taking part travelling along a zip wire! Yeah right, what a funny old sight that would have been. This is a link to Bewilderwood. If you're close and have little ones, and older ones, my niece is 12 then go and enjoy it and believe me, you will enjoy it as much as them. I do think that any older than her age and they are not really going to be that interested but you never know. Anyway, I'm getting carried away here.Here's the link -
Such a magical imaginative place.

The journey there wasn't so pleasant. I have experienced my first road kill. A very jolly pheasant came toddling across the road at great speed, looking very happy with himself out there in the sun, straight for my front wheels. At almost 60mph, I knew I was going to hit it with a row of cars behind me and cars going the other way, there was no way I was going to avoid this beautiful happy bird without causing an accident. So, there we have it, bump. I had to try and explain to a 12 year old girl that although awful, there would or could have been worse on the road if I had tried to avoid it.
She sat in the back for each journey after that but just said, "I wish I hadn't seen that" and just carried on. She soon got over it as she then proceeded to tease me about the whole episode wondering if they had pheasant plush toys in the gift shop! Cheeky little so and so. Oh and on the way back, guess what? yes, another pheasant came across the road.It was in front of me trying (bless it) to dash through the traffic on the other side, but just as I came along, it gave up and stayed on my side of the road. With no one behind me, I could slow as it made it's way to the safety. I think this meant I was forgiven by my niece :-).

Arriving at my sisters 16 miles away just after lunch to a box of 6 lovely homemade cupcakes for me to take away for my birthday. A little cheeky cupcake once home. It was so very scrummy. Lemon flavour with hundreds and thousands and a chocolate bunny on top. My sister informed me that I could freeze some. haha, freeze? FREEZE? that's assuming they will last THAT long.

Book news. I am almost through  The Taxidermists Daughter written by Kate Mosse and published by Orion Books. I am really enjoying it. I love the style of writing. Keep and eye out for the review because being off work for a bit means lots of fabulous reading.

Yesterday I received the book that I was asked to review, I believe as a result of this blog, so this could be my first blog customer!

AEROADDICT by DOUG GREGORY D.F.C (Little Knoll Press).

I will be starting this book after I have finished my current read. I love history and for those that know me, military planes are a huge love of mine.

So to next time or my next review. Time to catch up on some sleep and a cheeky read.  

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