Well, here we are again and what a couple of weeks it has been!
I had my birthday week off work and filled it with fun. However, I did think I really needed another week off work to recuperate. Yeah right ;-)I thought I would have time to do lots of reading, but oh no, it wasn't to be. By the time I was able to pick up a book, I was so exhausted, I fell asleep.
Last time I blogged a hinge, I told you about the start of the week where I had taken my niece to Bewilderwood (link is on that page). By the end of that week, my lovely colleagues had surprised me with a fabulous Mad Hatters Tea Party. I had been looking into having one of these but decided the official ones were just too expensive to ask friends to pay for, for a few fancy sandwiches and cakes.
Bless them, they only went and hired out a nearby village hall and put it all on themselves.Oh my, what a treat it was. I love Alice in Wonderland.One of my favourite stories.I love it's magic and it's quirkiness and as a child thoroughly enjoyed the film and the warmth I felt from it. I received many Alice in Wonderland/Mad Hatter Tea Party gifts including this fabulous tea pot -
Oh I do love a good cuppa.
So, back to the party, well, it was magical.Knitted mice coming out of teapots -
My friends dressed up and when I arrived, I was quickly donned with a rabbit nose, a tail, a hat and a clock to go around my neck -
Not a very flattering photo but you get the idea (blushes).
Cutting cake -
Safe to say, I felt like a queen, but not THE Queen - The Queen of Hearts, that is. :-)
"Have I gone mad?"
"I'm afraid so, you're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret....
All the best people are."
- Alice's Adventures In Wonderland -
I have finished and reviewed AEROADDICT - The story of one man's lifelong love affair with aeroplanes by Doug Gregory. You will find this in this blog if you look hard enough ;-) Lovely book.
I still have The Taxidermists Daughter by Kate Mosse to review but in the meantime I am having a quick easy read of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(Harry Potter #3)
as believe it or not, I haven't read further than book two!!
I have been contacted by an author via my blog to review a book called Cruel Reality Games of Life and Death. The author tells me it is a bit like a modern day Hunger Games. This grabbed my attention.
The authors name is C.J Whitley. This is the blurb for the book -
Taken by masked men in the night, a host of British people find themselves at the mercy of unknown abductors. They cannot guess where they are going, or why they are going there. When they find an arsenal of medieval weapons in their new prison, horrific possibilities are imagined. When cruel reality of their fate is revealed to them, they must learn a new way of life.
Fight or die. There is nowhere to run.
Fight or die. There is nowhere to run.
After good old Harry Potter, this will be my next read and what a chunk it is too!
I will report back to you on this and many other babbley things.
So many pictures on this hinge.
Good evening all and so to our next post.