Sunday, 19 June 2016

Tooth Goblins by Ash Toroid

Tooth Goblins

Read from June 10th - June 16th 2016.

Published on July 4th 2015 by Createspace.

Format    Paperback - 182 pages

Review    What a fantastic, little, magical fantasy gem of a book this is. Aimed at the lower end of the YA market/middle grade readers, this book oozed all that surprise that cries out for bewilderment from that age group but the best thing is, I, at 40 enjoyed it too and anyone who likes fairies, goblins and fantasy and wants a short light read would no doubt enjoy a read of this.

Ever wondered what the tooth-fairy does with your teeth? or if anything other than fairies might have an interest in them? Ellie Merlson finds out the hard way that a small number of teeth have a much darker fate. Caught up in a deadly war between fairies and goblins, Ellie must embrace her destiny to save a world. These words form the synopsis on the back cover.

Ellie is one of the two main characters in the story and is portrayed as a nine year old girl which at times I struggled to believe due to the way she spoke and content of her speech at times. She began a convincing nine year old and then began to sound older. I could however, understand why she had to be nine and not older due to her brother Duncan needing to be thirteen as that was a main part of the story. 
I could also see in this story that she grew in maturity along with it which was noted by her brother too which partly explains this.
These two characters are very appealing to the reader and quickly, you feel 'on their side'.

This book chugged along at a great pace, incorporating action at it's fullest. It is a very enticing page turner. I can't see many youngsters putting this one down for long before they have finished it.
The story is very original, full of imagination and is much more than fairies and goblins. It even brings a spin onto the Merlin character. If you think you know about Merlin, think again. 

There are a few very small mistakes in the book - missing words and mixing a couple of the boys names up in the latter chapters once or twice but it really didn't deter from the story at all. 
Ash Toroid has written a lovely first book, showing his original creativity and a mind full of imagination. I was a little sad at the end because I wanted more and it did seem to indicate to me that there was going to be another which I think the story asks for.

A well deserved 4 stars for this one which showed so much originality.